what is my blood test was hcg of 35

What is Double Marker Test in Pregnancy |.
A nurse from my doctor's office just called me to schedule an u/s because my beta's are very high. At 20 dpo: 2,768 and progest. 12.4, and at 22 dpo beta was 5,393

What do beta hcg numbers mean? Are my.
What Is The HCG Diet & Why YOU Should Try.
HCG Qualitative
When Is The Blood hCG Pregnancy Test.
Your pregnancy test can remain positive for a long while after an early abortion. It will stay positive for many days. As you can see from the paragraphs below it may
Blood HCG Levels Neg Blood HCG Pregnancy Test 10 days late. What do beta hcg numbers mean? Are my.
HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin is the hormone that Simeons discovered in pregnant women.
A blood pregnancy test usually becomes positive within 3-4 days after implantation, or several days before your expected menstrual period, when hCG levels have
It is Jan 21 and my period is about 10 days late. My last cycle started Dec. 13, 2005 and I was suppose to come on Jan 10. Nothing has happened yet. However, the
HCG Test